Feedback on Vision, Mission & PEO's

Dear Stake holder,

Greetings! Kindly submit the Department Vision-Mission feedback.

Stake Holder Type*
Phone number*
Year of Passed out*
Present address*
Roll Number*
Phone number*
Branch Name*
Phone number*
Name of the student*
Present address*
Phone number*
Company Name*
Phone number*
Vision of the Department
  • To be a preferred department, offering contextual relevant education emphasizing on the research and innovation.
Mission of the Department
  • M1 : Promoting contextual relevant curriculum
  • M2: Enabling OBE based effective teaching learning practices 
  • M3: Promoting industry relevant modern education tools
  • M4: Nurture innovation and creativity through experiential learning.
  • M5: Inculcating ethics and soft skills leading to the overall personality
Programme Education Objectives of the Department
  • PEO 1: To build strong fundamental knowledge amongst student to pursue higher education and continue professional development in Electronics & interdisciplinary fields 
  • PEO 2: To educate students to apply basic mathematics, science, and engineering principles to study and/or solve engineering problems by using different design and development tools and techniques
  • PEO 3: To develop leadership qualities and managerial skills
  • PEO 4: To demonstrate ethical values and social responsibilities in their work culture
  • PEO5: To develop students to be a self-reliant and lifelong learner

Do you think our vision statement captures where we are heading as an Organization to produce competent engineers?*

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Suggestion : What would you like to add or remove in the above statement? *

Does our mission statement reflect our fundamental and unique purpose? *

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Suggestion : What would you like to add or remove in the above statement? *