National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is a project of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003, to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs. The main goal was to create web and video courses in all major branches of engineering and physical sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and management courses at the postgraduate level.
NPTEL is the official SWAYAM National Coordinator for Engineering. SWAYAM is an acronym for Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds which is the national MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) portal developed by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality.
SWAYAM provides the largest online repository in the world of courses in engineering, basic sciences, and selected humanities and social sciences subjects. NPTEL began offering open online courses in March 2014 along with certificates from the IITs/IISc for those who completed the courses successfully.