Dr. Sachin G. Ghalme
Department of Mechanical Engineering
📱 9545453204
📧 sachin.ghalme@sitrc.org
Department of Mechanical engineering offers undergraduate program i.e. B.Tech Mechanical engineering course which is NBA accredited from 2020 – 21 to 2025 – 26. This is the highest and prestigious accreditation of the nation acquired as on date by only a few programs in the jurisdiction of the University, North Maharashtra region as well as the nation.
Mechanical Engineering envisages designing, manufacturing and thereafter maintenance of Mechanical systems. Mechanical engineers shape our activities within the biosphere as well as in space applications. Mechanical Engineers develop everything one can imagine as a machine – from supersonic fighter jets to bicycles, small dynamo to nuclear power plant. This discipline has served as alma mater to all modern developed branches. Mechanical engineers can specialize in domain areas such as manufacturing, robotics, automotive, aerospace, power engineering, and HVAC systems. They have also been crossing over their domain into other disciplines. Today, pioneers on many frontiers from artificial organs to the expanding field of nanotechnology are people from Mechanical Engineering background. Even their earned degrees have been helping for practicing medicine, law and financial management. Indeed virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way by a Mechanical Engineer. Students enrolled in this program are trained to analyze their designs using the principles of motion, energy, and force to ensure the product functions safely, efficiently, reliably with cost effective manufacturing. Thus, the Mechanical Engineering program redeems all prerequisites of individuals to transform him/her in full measure to take on the challenges in the profession.
The Mechanical Engineering Department at SITRC was established in 2008 and has been working with the mission to provide our students with a perfect blend of intellectual and practical experiences. After successful completion of our program, students are affluent with knowledge to enter in their fields of fascination. Also, some of them crave for higher studies in technical or management disciplines. The department has highly qualified, experienced faculties with academic integrity. Experts from leading industries across the state are visiting the department and grooming the students through interaction. Motivational discourses are arranged for the students for stress management. Students are also ushered for competitive exams not only for engineering but also for civil services. Consistently the department has attracted faculties with exceptional potential. The students are promoted to participate in technical events and competitions at state and national levels. Department has established student chapters of various professional societies like SAE, ISHRAE etc. The department has state- of- art laboratories with latest testing facilities like multi-fuel VCR engine, computerized UTM (capacity 100 tons), computerized diesel engine test rig & imported five gas analyzer for Engines. The CAD center of the department comprises the latest hardware & software like Pro-E, MATLAB, Master CAM, Ansys and Hype mesh and much other technology required to sharpen the skills of the students. The department also offers consultancy in the field of materials and engine testing to the industries. Therefore, it has always been a destination for students having strong longing for technical education.
Strengths of the Department are:
- Experienced and Dedicated Faculty: Having industrial as well as educational experience with diversified interest
- Six doctorate faculties from the diversified fields nurturing research culture
- Full-fledged ultramodern Laboratories for innovation and research
Scope for Employment:
- Industry and Commerce
- Graduate School
- Entrepreneur/Business Owner
- National Research Labs
- Military Engineering Services
- Government/Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
- Preparation for other Professions (law, medicine, teaching, etc.)