Enrolment to above courses is FREE!!! The videos and associated study material may also be downloaded for free. Learning from the course, submitting assignments, participating in the discussion forum is free. But candidate want to obtain certificate, they must attend examination. The certification exam is not free but has a nominal Registration Fee of Rs. 1000/- (For SC/ST/PWD candidates the Registration Fee is Rs. 500/-). The certification exam is optional. A link with exam registration details will be sent to candidates.
E- Hall tickets will be sent to candidates by email. Results can be seen by candidates through their login. The pass criterion for exams is being changed from July 2019. A learner will pass and be certified only if average assignment score (out of 25) is more than 10 AND Final Proctored Exam score (out of 75) is more than 30. E-verifiable certificates are made available on https://www.nptel.ac.in/noc. Only e-certificates will be published and available to candidate through candidate login. Hard copies of certificates will NOT be printed and not available to candidate. The venue of exam centre will be declared by NPTEL Office. It can be outside local chapter or city depends on number of candidates appearing for examination.