Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
1. To enhance research skill effectively through demonstration of good analytical, research,design and implementation.
2. To acquire in depth knowledge to evaluate the performance in the field of computations.
1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in practice
2. An ability to identify, critically analyze, formulate and solve engineering problems with comprehensive knowledge the field of computer engineering.
3. An ability to transfer technology effectively through write and present a substantial technical report/document.
4. Ability to select appropriate method and process for analyzing the attribute of technical/social problem and apply for solution.
5. An ability to work upon unaware problems through investigative studies and research , contribute to the development of technological knowledge and intellectual property.
1. Ability to analyze real or complex problem and formulate an optimum solution in the field of computations.
2. Ability to apply Software engineering principles to solve problems through mathematical, algorithmic and logical solution for research and application development.