Funds And Grants

Sponsored Research

A.Y. 2022-23
Sr No Project Title Funding Agency Amount Duration
1 SEG Proposal for Installation of Lightning arrester (UBA 2.0) Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 50,000/- 1 Year
2 Energy Audit and optimal Distribution of Electric Power in Shri Shah Enterprises Mumbai Shri Shah Enterprises Mumbai 1300800.00 2 Years
Total 13,50,800
A.Y. 2021-22
Sr No Project Title Funding Agency Amount Duration
1 Energy Audit and optimal Distribution of Electric Power in Retro Lab Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai Retro Lab Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai 800900.00 2 Years

Total Amount =21,51,700/-


A.Y. 2022-23
SN Project title Funding       agency


1 Design and Development of Electrical Panels J. K. Infra 1073930/-

Total Amount =1073930/-